The Battle family

The Battle family
July 2008

Thursday, August 27, 2009

As of today!

  • Brandon has started school. His classes include physics (switching to astronomy because physics had only seniors), psychology, Spanish 3, AP English, AP Government, Econ, Algebra 2, and lunch. So far he enjoys school.
  • The squirrels are all gone from the attic, now we can begin work on other projects. I would really like to tackle another bedroom this winter. Stephen needs a bedroom!
  • I have only scheduled 1 class for fall quarter. I have been putting it off but I am finally going to take my Junior comp rhetoric class. Once this class is done I will have 199 more years to go.
  • Stephen has only be waking me once a night. Michaela also wakes me up once a night. Michele wakes me up twice a night to go get Stephen or Michaela.
  • Michaela has actually used the potty, and also learned how to use the garden hose, much to her Mommy's chagrin. Michele told me that I am turning her into a heathen, but I think that it is funny and I like to see her laugh and smile.
  • Michele's classes this fall will include Structural Equation Modeling and Grant Writing. Fun Fun Fun!
  • Fisher family photos will be in this weekend. Should have something posted soon.
  • Battle family reunion this weekend, I will have to post some pictures.
  • Summertime Video 2009 coming soon, featuring video of EJ's birthday pool party!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Awesome - Ry and I watched this one together and agreed it was one of few 3 minute blog videos worth every second.